Form Validation with Real-Time Feedback

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Technologies used -

This JavaScript Form Validation project is designed to ensure users provide accurate and correctly formatted information before submitting a form. This validation tool checks fields such as Full Name, Phone Number, Email, and Message in real-time, providing immediate feedback on errors to guide the user towards correct input. Each field displays a custom error message if the data doesn’t meet validation criteria, such as a requirement for a valid email format, a 10-digit phone number, and a minimum character count for messages. Once all fields are validated, the form is ready for submission, ensuring data accuracy and enhancing the user experience.

The project is ideal for web developers looking to add client-side form validation to their applications. It improves user interaction by preventing incomplete or incorrect form submissions. The intuitive design, combined with real-time error indicators, makes the form more accessible and user-friendly, setting a high standard for input accuracy.

Highlighted Source Code
					function validatePhone(){
    var phone = document.getElementById('contact-phone').value;

    if(phone.length == 0){
        phoneError.innerHTML = 'Phone no. is required';
        return false;
    if(phone.length !== 10){
        phoneError.innerHTML = 'Phone no. should be 10 digits';
        return false;
        phoneError.innerHTML = 'Only digits please';
        return false;
    phoneError.innerHTML = '<i class="fa-solid fa-circle-check"></i>';
    return true;

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